Newsletter 17.24 - Friday 18 October 2024
Principal's Message
Dear Parents, Carers, and Community Members,
It has been wonderful to see the enthusiastic return of our students, and we look forward to this energy continuing throughout the year. At St Mary’s, we believe that every day counts, and it is vital that both parents and students share this belief. Missing even a few days can significantly disrupt a child’s learning, affecting their academic progress and confidence. An attendance rate above 90%, ideally striving for 100%, is key to unlocking every student’s full potential. The foundation for lifelong learning begins here, setting the stage for continued success well beyond school.
As we begin this new term, I’ve had the chance to reflect on the remarkable celebrations we recently shared with our Year 12 graduating class. The emotions during the graduation ceremony were a testament to the strong, positive relationships nurtured over the years and the vibrant, welcoming community we have at St Mary’s. To the teachers who have guided these students, I know the satisfaction that comes from witnessing their growth into capable young adults.
Our community keeps our Year 12 students in our thoughts as they began their HSC exams last Monday. This moment marks the culmination of 13 years of education, but it’s important to remind them that these exams do not define them. While it’s a significant milestone, it is one of many they will face in life. We are proud of their courage, resilience, and optimism as they navigate this challenge.
We are also thrilled to share some exciting news—four of our Industrial Technology students, Annabel Brown, Tom Davies, Halle Johnson, and Jake Knight, have had their projects nominated for the prestigious SHAPE showcase. Whether or not they are ultimately selected, the nomination itself is a testament to their exceptional creativity and hard work. A special thank you to Mr. Eames, Mr. Millen, and Mr. Crispin for their dedication and support of these talented students.
At our recent College Assembly, I had the privilege of welcoming our new Year 12 cohort. Having just completed their end-of-course exams and starting their Year 12 studies, they face the challenges of their final year ahead. We wish them every success as they establish rigorous study routines and prepare for the future. As I told our graduating Year 12s, "Year 12 are the fabric of this school’s culture—building relationships, fostering a love of learning, striving for excellence, and embracing all aspects of college life."
As we continue this term, we are reminded of the values of the Josephite Sisters—service, humility, and compassion—which continue to inspire and guide our community. I encourage all of us to reflect on these values and challenge ourselves to not only strive for personal success but to contribute to the well-being of others. I’ve asked our students to consider: "What have you accomplished? Where have you grown? And what more can you achieve?" Keep learning, be kind to each other, and seize every opportunity that comes your way.
Let’s make this term one where we push ourselves not only academically but in how we serve others. As I’ve said before, "There is no higher calling than to dedicate one’s life to the education and service of others." Whether through a simple act of kindness or by stepping up to help someone in need, we are reminded that our college motto is Ready to Serve.
Kind regards,
Brett Donohoe - Principal
Key Dates
Two weeks at a glance - Weeks 2 and 3 - Term 4
Monday 21 October 2024 | HSC Examinations continue |
Tuesday 22 October 2024 | RYDA Driver Safety Program - Year 10 |
Thursday 24 October 2024 | U16 Rugby League |
Friday 25 October 2024 | Year 11 Parent-Student-Teacher Conference bookings open |
Monday 28 October 2024 | HSC Examinations continue |
Tuesday 29 October 2024 | Year 11 Formation Day |
Wednesday 30 October 2024 | Year 11 Awards and Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences |
Thursday 31 October 2024 | League 9's - 13 Yrs |
Friday 1 November 2024 | Newsletter 18.24 published |
A Community Ready to Serve
As we approach the Christmas season, we are reminded of how fortunate we are to belong to a community that cares deeply for one another. Our motto, Ready to Serve, truly reflects the spirit of compassion and generosity that runs through our College. This Christmas, we have the opportunity to extend that care beyond our immediate circle and offer a hand up to those who are less fortunate.
We invite all members of our community to support our Christmas Appeal. Every contribution, no matter how small, makes a difference in bringing peace, justice, and hope to those in need. Let’s come together and make this season brighter for everyone.
2024 Vinnies Christmas Appeal
St Mary’s Catholic College is once again participating in the Vinnies Christmas Appeal. The Vinnies Christmas Appeal is all about renewing hope and bringing joy to those less fortunate. 2024 has been a challenging year, with many local families under increased financial stress – so we want to do our part to help!
St Mary’s Catholic College will be supporting our local St Vincent de Paul Society Windale. If you would like to get involved, you can help by donating non-perishable food items for hampers and purchasing a gift.
Roll Call | Requested Item |
7.1 | Christmas gift |
7.2 | Christmas gift |
7.3 | Christmas gift |
7.4 | Christmas gift |
7.5 | Christmas gift |
7.6 | Christmas gift |
8.1 | Plain biscuits, eg. Scotch Finger, Ginger Nuts |
8.2 | Chocolate biscuits, eg. Tim Tams, Chocolate Scotch Finger |
8.3 | Plain crackers, eg. Sao, Clix |
8.4 | Flavoured crackers, eg. Shapes |
8.5 | Rice crackers |
8.6 | Pretzels |
9.1 | Tinned fruit, eg. peaches, apricots |
9.2 | Long-life custard |
9.3 | Single-serve puddings |
9.4 | Christmas chocolates |
9.5 | Jellies |
9.6 | Tinned/packets of Christmas biscuits |
10.1 | Breakfast Cereal, eg. Weetbix, Cornflakes |
10.2 | Long-life milk |
10.3 | Packets of dried pasta |
10.4 | Packets of rice |
10.5 | Bottles of Pasta sauce |
10.6 | Packets/Cups of Instant Noodles |
11.1 | Jars of Jam, eg. Strawberry, Apricot, Raspberry |
11.2 | Bottles of condiments, eg. pickles, relish, mustard, sauce |
11.3 | Tinned vegetables, eg. corn, beetroot, mixed beans |
11.4 | Teabags, Coffee granules |
11.5 | Bottles of soft drink, eg. Coke, Fanta, Pepsi |
11.6 | Bottles or cartons of long-life fruit juice |
SPC | Chocolate Christmas stocking |
Staff | Christmas Puddings/Fruit Mince Pies |
Gift suggestions (gifts should be new in packaging and unwrapped):
- Books
- Towels/blankets
- Colouring pencils
- Board games or puzzles
- Sports equipment
- Movie or shopping gift cards
- Perfume/cologne
- Toiletries/soap packs
The cut off for donations is Friday 6th December, so that Vinnies can distribute donations in time for Christmas!
Thank you in advance for your support and Christmas spirit!
DeAnna Addicoat - Ministry Coordinator
Assistant Principal - Learning & Teaching
HSC Examinations
The HSC Examinations are under way and our Year 12 students have been both supportive and encouraging of one another as they attend each of their exams. Now at the end of our first week I would like to commend our students for the way in which they have conducted themselves thus far, for their observation of COVID protocols and respect for the process we are engaged in at this time. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr Cushan (Year 12 Leader), Mr Trost (Learning Support Teacher), Ms Flood (Leader of Curriculum), Mr Lucietto & Mr Howlett (Groundsmen), and all staff for their support of our students during this process. We are looking forward to celebrating final exams in about three weeks from now with HSC and ATAR Results being released on Wednesday 18th December.
Year 11 End of Course Reports will open for parents and carers early next week
I encourage students to discuss their examination results from last term, and the content of their reports, with both their teachers and mentors. It is important for students to plan with teachers their future goals for Year 12 studies, and I encourage all Year 11 students to take on the “feedback” from their reports whilst also taking notice of the “feed forward” comments provided by teachers. All students are encouraged to set realistic and aspirational goals for the next twelve months.
Year 11 Awards
The Year 11 Awards Ceremony will be held in Week 3 on Wednesday 30 October commencing at 2.10pm. Details of the event will be sent via an invitation letter. Following the Awards ceremony, Parents, Carers and Students will have the opportunity to meet with their teachers for conferences – a time to focus on moving forward into the HSC year.
Examinations and Assessments
Examinations and Assessment periods commence in Week 4 for Year 10 and I wish to stress that attendance during these weeks is paramount. Please ensure your child is attending every day throughout these weeks.
Year 8 Electives
Year 8 students will receive confirmation of Electives for 2025 during the coming weeks, now that staffing and enrolments numbers have largely been determined. Where students have not been able to placed in their chosen electives I will conduct an interview with them prior to placing them into available courses. Please direct any concerns to myself .
Year 6 Teachers visit St Mary’s
On Thursday 17 October, the English Faculty were joined by Year 6 teachers and leaders from our feeder primary schools, as part of our transitioning program for our 2025 students. Seeking to strengthen our relationships and share pedagogy, the visit involved teachers having the opportunity to visit several English classrooms, speak with our Year 7 students and then meet together to examine the new syllabi, approaches to teaching literacy and approaches to teaching of English– sharing insights and wisdom. It is hoped to strengthen the quality of what we do here at the college in our English programs and to foster deep relationships between our various educational communities. Thank you to our Year 6 colleagues for visiting!
Cathy O'Gorman, Assistant Principal - Learning & Teaching
Assistant Principal - Wellbeing
Dear Parents and Carers
The wellbeing team here at the college often works to support young people experiencing high levels of anxiety due to academic, relational, and environmental stressors. While referral to the college counsellor is our most effective immediate response, I would commend this edition from Schools TV to you as a valuable resource, with many useful insights, to help you support your child in difficult moments.
Kind regards
Mr Ben Frize - Assistant Principal, Wellbeing & Engagement
SchoolTV - Anxiety
Most young people today experience anxiety at some point in their life. Sometimes that slight rush of anxiety that occurs prior to an exam or sporting event, can enhance their performance. However, experiencing too much anxiety, over long periods of time, can be extremely damaging to their health and wellbeing. There is a difference between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ anxiety.
Statistics show, that the psychological health of young people today is far worse than it was a generation ago. This is having an adverse affect on children in both primary and secondary levels. Some of their issues of concern include stress, school, study, body image and friendship.
Parents need to be aware of the warning signs of ‘bad’ anxiety. There are preventative measures parents can implement as well as teaching kids the skills to cope more efficiently with their anxiety.
We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this edition of SchoolTV and we always welcome your feedback. If you have any concerns about your child, please contact the school counsellor for further information or seek medical or professional help.
Here is the link to the Anxiety edition of SchoolTV
Leader of Wellbeing - Year 11
Servant Leadership
In recent months at St Mary’s Catholic College the Year 11 Cohort has been focussed, and committed, to setting up for the best possible experiences in their final 12 months of school. It is different for every student. Some are breaking away into work forces, trades, and other skill-based education areas. Whilst some are fully embracing their programs of study in preparation for the best possible Year 12 and HSC.
All of this requires Leadership.
We have been blessed as a college to have young people willing to serve their community in formal Leadership roles and continue the long-standing tradition of Servant Leadership. This was exemplified last term when 20 Year 11 students attended a Leadership Day at the beautiful local venue of Blacksmiths Beach. On this day, the students were challenged to reflect on leadership in today’s world. Themes and topics such as: Types of leadership, Unlocking potential, Barriers to Leadership, Differentiating between Leading and Influencing; were all addressed. This moment was the first step in selecting nine students to speak to their college population, before voting and interviews led to four formal leaders being chosen to guide our community in 2025.
James Bernasconi, Ben Breasley, Macy Nash and Sienna Pitt are outstanding role models who embody our motto of “Ready to Serve”. We congratulate each one of them.
As Year 11 have moved on from Preliminary courses to begin their HSC courses this week, the leadership values amongst this excited and keen group of young people has been evident. It wasn't just our formal leadership team who, so far, have managed and facilitated our schools first assembly for Term 4, and have met regularly with our school executive to promote positive opportunities in their farewell year, it has been every Year 11 student who has stepped up, realizing that good people make good leaders.
I, along with the rest of St Marys Catholic College, look forward to exciting times ahead and have great faith that the next four terms for year 11 will be special.
Daniel Beckett - Leader of Wellbeing & Engagement - Year 11 2024
Religious Education
Year 10 have completed the Diocesan Literacy Examination. The topics where ‘Finding God in the Human Experience’, ‘God and the Search for Meaning’ and ‘Growing in Loving Relationships’. The students undertook this exam with confidence and were exemplary in their behaviour and application to the task.
Year 11 have completed their Preliminary Examinations and have began the Year 12 course. Studies of Religion 1 unit and 2 unit begin with “Religion and Beliefs Post 1945” which encompasses Aboriginal Spirituality and the Religious Landscape of Australia post 1945.
Two of our faculty members went on the Diocesan ‘Way of Mercy’ Pilgrimage in the school holidays to follow in the footsteps of the founder of the Sisters of Mercy – Catherine McCauley. Mrs Louise Henderson and Mrs Elizabeth Quinlan visited Baggot Street Convent in Dublin and The Presentation Sisters Convent as well as sacred sites around Ireland such as the Rock of Cashel, Saint Brigid’s Well, St Declan’s Well and St Kevin’s Monastery.
Mass was celebrated everyday by Father Joseph from Kotara Parish and the Rosary was said each day on the bus on the way to visit the site of the apparition of Our Lady in Knock.
Elizabeth Quinlan - Leader of Learning, Religion
Emma's Warriors Fundraiser
Emma’s Warriors Fundraiser
On the 23rd September, Year 12 class of 2024, hosted a fundraiser day for Emma’s Warriors
Emma’s Warriors is an organisation founded by me and my family. I was diagnosed with Leukemia in 2022 and through my experience I wanted to make life a little bit easier for other tweens and teens who are also going through a difficult health crisis.
On the day, students at St Mary’s could contribute to this fundraising initiative by:
- Accessorising in pink and donating a gold coin
- Buying a sausage sandwich
- Purchasing raffle tickets – to win a Knights jersey and gift vouchers
- Purchasing Emma's Warriors merchandise - wrist bands, glasses and stickers
- Guessing the number of lollies in a jar.
The fundraiser was a huge success.
We raised $1455.15!!
Thank you to Year 12 students who made this event possible.
These funds will go towards teens, tweens and their families going through a challenging time due to a serious medical condition. These families will appreciate your support so much.
Emma Walsh-Year 8 Student
Please find below rotations for Year 7 and Year 8 sport for Term 4.